
SEO Agency vs. Internal Team – A 2024 Guide

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) continues to hold a place of critical importance for the Growth of companies. As a company grows the SEO agency vs. internal team question often arises: should we build an internal SEO team, or outsource to an agency? Having navigated SEO for 15 years now, I have gathered some insights that might be useful if you’re trying to navigate this question.

Some SEO Agencies Cons

SEO agencies bring to the table a vast repertoire of experience and a kaleidoscope of strategies honed across diverse industries. However, their alignment with your company’s deep-seated goals can sometimes be superficial.

Misaligned Interests

Agencies, while experts in their field, operate with a broader portfolio of clients, which can inadvertently place your company’s unique needs on the backburner. Their primary aim is to deliver strategies across a wide spectrum, not to dive deep into the nuanced ecosystem of a single client.

Lack of Execution Responsibility

Perhaps the most significant drawback of outsourcing SEO is the gap in accountability for implementation. Agencies specialize in crafting strategies and providing guidance but often remain a step removed from the actual execution phase. This separation can lead to a scenario where companies are left with a blueprint but no practical pathway to realization.

The Strategic Advantages of an Internal SEO Team

Building an internal SEO team is an investment in your company’s future digital landscape. Here are the compelling reasons why this approach not only makes sense but is essential for companies like Stripe.

Alignment with Company Goals

An internal team, immersed in the company’s culture and objectives, ensures that every SEO strategy is deeply aligned with long-term business goals. This alignment fosters a seamless integration of SEO with overall marketing strategies, enhancing the effectiveness of each campaign.

Proprietary Knowledge Accumulation

An in-house SEO team becomes a repository of proprietary knowledge—understanding the nuances of your business, the technical intricacies of your website, and the behaviors of your target audience. This knowledge is not transient but grows and evolves, becoming a formidable asset over time.

Enhanced Speed and Efficiency

Internal teams, with their intimate understanding of the company’s priorities and mechanisms, can execute strategies with unparalleled speed and precision. They are in the trenches, able to swiftly pivot and adapt strategies based on real-time insights and changes in the digital landscape.

Long-Term Cost Effectiveness

Although the initial setup costs of an internal team may seem daunting, the long-term benefits far outweigh these early investments. With an internal team, you’re not just building capacity; you’re fostering a strategic asset that will drive sustainable growth and innovation.

The Hybrid Approach: Leveraging External Expertise Wisely

Acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses inherent in both models, a hybrid approach emerges as a tactically sound strategy. This model advocates for a core, agile internal SEO team supplemented by strategic engagements with SEO agencies for specialized projects or audits.

Strategic Audits and Specialized Projects

SEO agencies can be invaluable for conducting deep-dive audits or tackling specialized projects that require a level of expertise or resources not available in-house. For example, an agency could be enlisted to perform a comprehensive technical SEO audit, identifying critical issues that the internal team can then prioritize and address.

The Implementation Imperative

The crux of successful SEO is not just in strategy development but in effective implementation. An internal team, empowered by a detailed understanding of the company’s infrastructure and strategic objectives, can translate insights into action with efficiency and precision.

Building for the Future

In the rapidly evolving digital arena, where search algorithms shift and consumer behaviors change, having an internal SEO team is not just a strategic advantage—it’s a necessity. This team’s deep-rooted understanding of the company’s vision, combined with their agility and commitment, positions the company to navigate the digital future confidently.

While SEO agencies offer broad expertise and can be instrumental for specific projects, the long-term strategic advantage lies in nurturing an internal SEO team. Such a team guarantees alignment with company goals, fosters the accumulation of proprietary knowledge, and ensures the swift and effective implementation of strategies. For companies aiming at lasting online success, building an internal SEO team is not just beneficial—it’s essential.