
The Censorship of Joe Rogan on Spotify … does it matter?

Spotify Enacts New Rules In Response To Joe Rogan Podcast Outcry

“Don’t promote violence, incite hatred, harass or engage in any other behavior that may place people at risk of serious physical harm or death.”

They do realize he’s a MMA fighter and advocate, wherein people routinely break other people’s body parts. You really think he’s scared of words?

“Now let me be clear. We have real enemies in the world. These enemies must be found. They must be pursued and they must be defeated.” By the definition above, the preceding statement promotes violence that resulted in bodily harm and death. That was part of Obama’s inspirational 2004 DNC speech.

Collective frustration last year summed up with the following headline in the Toronto Star “I have no empathy left for the willfully unvaccinated. Let them die.” Where does that land?

Are we going too far? Or are we just being selective to whom the rules apply? If they’re in our tribe, it’s okay, but if they’re in the other tribe, it’s wrong.

Censorship is a slippery slope, the powers we give to it today can be used against us tomorrow. I feel we need to tread very carefully here.